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The Library is part of the Libre Self-Publication facility.

The Self-Publication facility is a feature for uniform management and publication of various types of content. Most commonly the content consists of documents or software, but the facility can equally manage other forms of content such as music, images and videos.

The Self-Publication facility automatically generates the Library, along with its various content indexes and bibliographies. Any document or other content placed under Self-Publication management automatically becomes part of the appropriate listings, indexes and bibliographies.

The Libre Self-Publication facility is a standard feature of the By* Services, available to all By* account holders.

Library content

The Library is the central repository for all content published at this website.

In general, content published at this website may be Libre content originating here (i.e. this is the primary publication site), or republished content. Libre content is any form of information (writing, software, music, images, videos) that is published under copyleft, a form of copyright permitting verbatim copying. Republished content is any form of content (Libre or otherwise) that is created elsewhere and republished on this site.

All content published in the Library carries one of the following tags to indicate its category:

  • PLPC: Permanent Libre Published Content (PLPC) is published material that is intended to be maintained permanently. It may be updated, but when updates are made, the old revision is archived. The permanence of PLPC content is assured by multiple mirroring of all By* Libre Content. The Library automatically creates a hidden website folder at /PLPC, listing all PLPC-tagged content.
  • RECORD: Information that is intended to be maintained permanently but never updated is tagged RECORD. Examples might be a presentation made at a conference, or an open letter. The Library automatically creates a hidden website folder at /Records, listing all RECORD-tagged content.
  • DRAFT: Content that represents work-in-progress, that is not intended to be cited, is tagged DRAFT. The Library automatically creates a hidden website folder at /DRAFT, listing all DRAFT-tagged content.
  • REPUB: Content not created by the site owner is tagged REPUB. The Library automatically creates a hidden website folder at /Repub, listing all REPUB-tagged content.
  • SW: Software published in source form is tagged SW. The Library automatically creates a hidden website folder at /SW, listing all SW-tagged content.

Library indexes

Published content for which this is the primary publication site is listed in index format at /Library/SiteIndex, and in standard bibliographic format at /Library/SiteBiblio.

The totality of content published at this site, whether originating here or republished here, is listed in index format at /Library/FullIndex, and in standard bibliographic format at /Library/FullBiblio.

All software published at this site is listed in index format at /Library/SoftwareIndex.

Libre Formats

The Self-Publication facility makes use Libre Formats exclusively, except where a Libre Format is not generally available. A Libre Format is one whose format specification is readily available, and for which implementation of the format is not subject to any restrictive patents. Based on this definition, there are typically multiple available processors and viewers for Libre Formats.

The Library uses the following revisable Libre Formats (frequently used for source documents):

  • TeX/LaTeX, a document markup language and preparation system
  • ODP (Open Document Presentation)

The Library uses the following non-revisable Libre Formats (frequently used for output documents):

  • HTML, with various legitimate extensions
  • PDF (Portable Document Format)
  • PS (Postscript)

Proprietary formats are avoided and discouraged. In particular, the Library will specifically reject known proprietary formats, including Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Excel.

A variety of Libre Content generation tools are available to create and manage content. These are part of Libre Services Integration Platform (LSIP).

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